VANILLA - internet services, simple.

ADSL Line Rental

We supply a Telkom ADSL line installation at no cost.
When applying for a line, the Telkom setup process can take from 2 days to 1 month to install and is NOT available on pre-paid lines.
When cancelling a line, you are required to notify us 30 days in advance if you wish to avoid having to pay for an additional month's rental.

The line that you choose will determine the maximum speed of your connection (i.e. how fast web pages and emails will download)

Telkom line speed Monthly cost
2 Mbps R149
4 Mbps R285
10 Mbps R410

ADSL Benefits and FAQs

  1. Why choose Vanilla?
  2. What is ADSL?
  3. Why get ADSL?
  4. Speeds
  5. Contracts
  6. What you will need?
  7. Vital ADSL settings
  8. Usage
  9. What ADSL speed do I need?
  10. Whats the difference between unshaped and shaped ADSL?
  11. Self-install
  12. What is Dynamic DNS?
  13. Do I have to sign a fixed-term contract?
  14. At what speed will my ADSL service operate?
  15. Will ADSL work in my area?
  16. Is DSL different to ADSL?
  17. I have more than one computer on a network. Can I use a Vanilla account?
  18. What is a ADSL splitter?
  19. ADSL vs Dial-up vs 3G-HSDPA
  20. How do I configure my ADSL connection?
      Current modems
    1. TP-LINK TD-W8960N router
    2. TP-LINK TD-8840 router
    3. TP-LINK TD-W8901G router
    4. Linksys Wireless-N (WAG120N)
    5. Netgear Router
    6. Legacy modems
    7. Linksys Wireless-G (WAG200G/WAG54G2)
    8. TP-LINK TD-8816 router
    9. Shiro DSL805EW modem/router
    10. Shiro DSL805EU modem/router
    11. Billion BiPAC5200S ADSL modem/router
    12. Telkom Marconi modem/router
    13. Operating systems
    14. Windows XP
    15. Mac OS X
    16. Ubuntu Edgy
  21. Can I use more than one ADSL ISP connection at the same time? (e.g. separate local and international)
  22. How can do I set up port forwarding on my router?


Vanilla supply dozens of different qualities of ADSL internet access. In order to get internet access using one of the services mentioned below you will need an ADSL line (see insert on far right) and an ADSL modem.
If the quality of your internet experience is important to you we recommend a metered account. You only pay for the data that you have transferred (left column below). If you are looking for the cheapest way to download as much data as possible then we also provide fixed price access (right).

Metered Access (pay per usage)

We recommend these accounts to everyone looking for high quality, high speed internet access.

Choose a prepaid amount of gigabytes (GB) which you are likely to use, and chose any provisioned amount which you would like to be cut off at (for both of our protection against unintentional usage). The following month any additional usage above the prepaid amount is billed postpaid at the same rate or less, charged at a per megabyte (MB) rate or per GB rate (whichever is less). 1 GB = 1024 MB.

The advantage of Vanilla is you don't ever have to worry about being cut-off, or feel the need to buy extra bandwidth in case you may be cut off, or require that you call in and pay in advance in order to get back online.

With a metered account we will credit any prepaid billing if you have not used the service. This means that you can try other ISP's at any time secure in the knowledge that you will always have a Vanilla metered combo to fall back on. Per GB/MB rate applies.

Metered access has 2 classes:

Shaped (R49 per GB)

Unshaped (R87 per GB)

Our shaped combo will give you access to the 2 best performing networks in South Africa, namely SAIX (Telkom) and Internet Solutions. This is the best quality available in SA other than the unshaped combo.
All accounts work at the highest speeds available on your line (see far right column)
These are not the usual 'capped' accounts. You select the number of GB for prepaid billing (starting at half a GB for R35 per month) and the number of GB to provision (i.e. when you want to be cut off). Postpaid usage is charged at the beginning of the month following the actual usage at 7c per MB or R49 per GB (whichever is less for your benefit).

Our super duper triple redundant combo package will give you access to all 3 of the top performing networks in South Africa, namely SAIX (Telkom), Internet Solutions and MTN Business.
All accounts work at the highest speeds available on your line (see far right column).
If you are a trader on financial markets, or experienced gamer, or voice connoisseur looking for lower latency (where tens of milliseconds make a difference) then this is the package for you.

These are not the usual 'capped' accounts. You select the number of GB for prepaid billing (starting at half an unshaped GB for R54 per month) and the number of GB to provision (i.e. when you want to be cut off). Postpaid usage is charged at the beginning of the month following the actual usage at 12c per MB or R87 per GB (whichever is less for your benefit).

We realise that a particular network may underperform at any particular time due to maintenance or upgrades and in the event that you ever experience reduced performance on one network you can try another network. All you have to do is change the username and password on your modem. Our friendly support staff will gladly assist you to do so. See our contact page.

Fixed Price Access

We recommend these accounts for those that need bulk/low cost access, they are ideal for email and downloading large amounts of data or primarily need good local performance.

This service is fixed price as we hope you will use the maximum possible (it's a fixed price), on the other hand you are committed whether you use it or not, whilst they maybe cheaper than metered access they are more expensive if you do not use them and this MUST be cancelled before the end of the month. Non-refundable unless cancelled in advance.
These services are provided by Internet Solutions (fibre+ incl access to IS news server).

Basic Uncapped Unmetered Access

You can use as much as possible for a fixed price. Just keep in mind with these accounts, that resellers like Vanilla keep selling them, but the network providers do not consistently lay new fibre to accomodate the increased number of users. More users on the same size fibre pipe at the same time will result in slower speed for all.

As a result your internet speed might suffer, just like your household water supply pressure will suffer if everyone turns their taps on at the same time. Have you ever heard of uncapped water?

These accounts are not capped, since they are for one network only they are not guaranteed, they are a fixed price whether you use it or not - non-refundable, they must be cancelled before the last day of the month.

Quality of service Terms and price
Uncapped 2Mbps R195 per month in advance
Uncapped 4Mbps R295 per month in advance
Uncapped 10Mbps R375 per month in advance

See our Hall of Fame for most downloaded with these accounts.

Fixed Price Capped Access

These packages are largely for local bandwidth, high-quantity, low cost, quality access. They will work at the maximum speed of your adsl line and are ideal for downloaders, and gamers who are seeking a more affordable option to play their favourite local games.

These accounts are billed in advance (hopefully) and MUST be cancelled before the end of the month or you are liable for the full cost in the month that you cancel. If you may forget to cancel please rather take a metered access option.