VANILLA - internet services, simple.

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Domain Names FAQs

Read about the benefits of Vanilla Domain names

What is a domain name?

A domain name is a name for a website; you can also use it for your email address. So if you own the domain name '' then you can have the email address as well as your website located at Cool eh?

If you ever leave us :( you can take your domain name with you, so your email address won't ever change.

We register, host and manage all domain names on your behalf including registration and annual fees, hosting on redundant infrastructure on three continents, free email forwarding, sponsored web sites, privacy and advice on configurations (eg for host names, web servers, mail exchangers and other domain name functionality)

A domain name is the text name corresponding to the numeric IP address of a computer on the Internet. A domain name must be unique. Internet users access your website using your domain name. Domain names are used as addresses for Web pages and for sending email.

What can I use a domain name for?

A domain name is a name for a website; you can also use it for your email address. So if you own the domain name '' then you can have the email address ''.

If you would like a simple webpage please email us the details alternatively for more extensive web development we work with the following web designers, and can recommend them:,,

How can I find out if the domain name I want is available?

click on Home above, and then type in the name of the domain you wish to check in the Domain Names section

To find out if a domain is available go to To find out if a domain is available go to To find out if a or a domain is available go to To find out if a .com domain is available go to tucows whois

To learn more about the different and second-level sub-domains of the .za domain got to zadna.

What does a domain name cost?

PRICING: Domain name: R200 yearly

We register, host and manage all domain names on your behalf (incl:,,,, .com, .net, .org, .info, etc.) includes registration and annual fees, hosting on redundant infrastructure on three continents, free email forwarding, sponsored web sites, privacy and advice on configurations (eg for host names, web servers, mail exchangers and other domain name functionality)

Do you want to learn more about how Vanilla does the billing? Click here: Domain Name billing

What do I do if I want to move my domain name to another ISP?

By using your own domain name you can change ISP without changing your email or web site address. Simply contact us at Vanilla, and we will gladly help you with your needs.